Pūawaitanga o te Ringa - Fruits of our busy hands
- Terence Barrow, An Illustrated Guide to Maori Art, Reed books, Auckland, 1984.
- Augustus Hamilton, Maori Art, The New Zealand Institute, Wellington, 1901.
- Paki Harrison, n.d. Te Poho o Tipene. (Souvenir Booklet).
- Te Rangi Hiroa, Maori Decorative Art: House-panels (Arapaki, Tuitui, or Tukutuku), Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, Vol. 53, pp. 452-70, 1921.
- Te Rangi Hiroa, The Coming of the Maori Maori Purposes Trust Board, Wellington, 1923.
- Ngapine Tamihana Te Ao,Ta Apirana: nga taonga tuku, Te Whare Wananga o Waitaha, 1994.

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