Burke Manuscript
Burke Manuscript: Page 035 |
TranscriptOne of the characteristics of Mr C.C. Bowen, on the Bench, was to get hold of a nice fresh piece of blotting paper, and with head down, pen in hand, begin something of this sort (mind artistically, not a bit like this) then, add bit by bit atom on atom, thus the mountain grew, occasionally lifting his head to ask a question. [sketch here] I do not know if the thing is in the gardens; at last it would get so elaborate that the paper would not hold any more. Then smaller flourishes would begin, then faces, the lawyer, witness, policeman, &c. Mr Bowen in those days, like other distinguished men, made a wonderful sign manual, that ordinary people puzzled over. More than one cut the signature out and stuck it on the envelope, as an address. |
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