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Photograph collection
 A Christmas parade passes along Colombo Street, Christchurch [ca. 1930] |
 A group in the amphitheatre at Wainoni Park of old colonists and their descendants [1908] |
 Samuel Manson (1815-1890) [1900] |
 Mrs Jean Manson (née Smith) (1820-1898) [ca. 1880] |
 Opening of the Fendalton extension to the Christchurch electric tramway system [17 Dec. 1912] |
 The bell tower and spire, Christchurch Cathedral [192-?] |
 The main entrance, Canterbury Museum [192-?] |
 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Barbadoes Street, Christchurch [192-?] |
 YMCA, corner of Cambridge Terrace and Hereford Street, Christchurch [192-?] |
 The Normal School, Cranmer Square, Christchurch [192-?] |
 Cashel Street, looking east [192-?] |
 The Provincial Council chamber [192-?] |
 Corsair Bay, Lyttelton Harbour [192-?] |
 The Godley statue, Cathedral Square, Christchurch [192-?] |
 The Southern Cross.
[10 September 1928] |
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