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Photograph collection
 Cathedral Square, Christchurch [ca. 1920] |
 Cathedral Square, Christchurch [ca. 1920] |
 View of Christchurch from the Cathedral to the east [ca. 1910] |
 A Kitson steam tram departs from Cave Rock, Sumner [ca. 1907] |
 An electric tram crosses the New Brighton bridge with a barge moored underneath [ca. 1910] |
 A beauty spot on the River Avon [ca. 1910] |
 View of Christchurch to the west from the tower of the Provincial Government Buildings [ca. 1860] |
 New Zealand International Exhibition, Hagley Park, Christchurch [1882] |
 The Post and Telegraph Office in Norwich Quay, Lyttelton [ca. 1885] |
 Hackney and hansom cabs at City Hotel crossing at the intersection of Colombo and High Streets : with Fishers' building at left. [ca. 1884] |
 Meat hangs outside G. Bull's butchery in Cashel Street, Christchurch, with delivery carts waiting [ca. 1870] |
 A boy leans on the Hereford Street bridge, Christchurch, looking to the east [ca. 1885] |
 A man ploughs outside Sunnyside Asylum, Christchurch [ca. 1880] |
 View of Tuam Street, Christchurch, to the east [ca. 1884] |
 General grocers on the corner of Colombo and High Streets, Christchurch [ca. 1861] |
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