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Photograph collection
 A horse and cart in Manchester Street, looking towards the Avon River, Christchurch [ca. 1868] |
 A hackney at the intersection of Cashel & High Streets : with Milner & Thompson's music store on the right & Inglis' building on the left. [ca. 1882] |
 Construction of the Sumner Pier, Christchurch : looking from Cave Rock past the Sumner Hotel to Clifton Spur and Shag Rock. [ca. 1883] |
 Delivery carts in Cathedral Square between the Godley statue & the Post Office, originally the Government Buildings, Christchurch. [ca. 1885] |
 View from Colombo Street bridge looking south to the Cathedral : at left is the Oxford Hotel & at right is Market (Victoria) Square. [ca. 1885] |
 Akaroa looking south to the wharf [ca. 1870] |
 Luck's Building, corner of Colombo & Gloucester Streets, Christchurch [ca. 1912] |
 The Lyttelton portal of the Lyttelton Rail Tunnel with construction workers [1867] |
 Horses & carts around the Godley statue in Cathedral Square : with a Kitson steam locomotive moving through the centre of the Square. [ca. 1890] |
 The spire, north transept & choir of the Cathedral under construction, looking at the east arch from Worcester Street, Christchurch [ca. 1880] |
 Old Bishopscourt showing damage from the fire that broke out Christmas Eve, 1924 [1925] |
 Colombo Street, looking towards the Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1870] |
 The old Supreme Court building, Christchurch [ca. 1900] |
 Carnival Week in Christchurch : the implement section of the Canterbury A & P Association's metropolitan show. [1899] |
 The port at Lyttelton re-opening after the strike : showing the rail-yards with 39 trucks of general cargo unloaded from the S.S. Rimutaka [1913] |
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