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Photograph collection
 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Christchurch [1905] |
 Victoria Wing, Dee Street Hospital, Invercargill [1909] |
 Cyclists and cars on Colombo Street, Christchurch [1913] |
 Clock tower, High Street, Christchurch [ca. 1913] |
 Pedestrians and a tram in Cathedral Square, Christchurch [193-?] |
 Cars, cyclists and pedestrians in Colombo Street, Christchurch : Cathedral Square is in the background. [193-?] |
 Cars, bicycles and a bus create a busy scene at the Bank corner, Christchurch : Barnett & Co. Chemists in the foreground. [193-?] |
 Pedestrians and a tram in Cathedral Square, Christchurch [ca. 1940] |
 Snow on Oxford Terrace, Christchurch [1862] |
 Canterbury Rowing Club on the Avon River, Christchurch [ca. 1909] |
 Women rowing on the Avon River, Christchurch [191-?] |
 Card showing W. Strange & Co. Ltd premises in 1863 and 1910, Christchurch : used to notify customers that their orders had arrived. [ca. 1910] |
 Christchurch under a thin veil of smog, from the Cashmere Hills [1912] |
 Victorian Coffee Gallery, on the corner of Oxford Terrace and Montreal Street, Christchurch [11 Oct. 1968] |
 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Christchurch [11 Oct. 1968] |
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