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Content and Bindery Services and Linwood Service Centre building closures - Frequently Asked Questions

Is Mini Linwood Library open?
Mini Linwood Library is open and its opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm and Saturday 10am - 4pm. Other libraries in the vicinity include Central Library Peterborough, Central South City, New Brighton and Shirley.
Which service centre can I go to instead of Linwood Service Centre?
The nearest service centre is: Shirley Service Centre 36 Marshland Road, Shirley. Their hours are Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday, 10am-1pm.
Why have the Content and Bindery Services buildings closed?
Following the results of a detailed engineering evaluation, engineers have recommended the building should close while more engineering assessments are carried out.
Why has the Council only found out now that the buildings should be closed?
This was identified after the building underwent a detailed engineering evaluation. This is part of an ongoing process being carried out by the Council to proactively ensure all its facilities undergo detailed engineering reviews after the recent earthquakes and aftershocks. Further engineering investigations are expected to provide more information about the building’s seismic capacity.
What did the detailed engineering evaluation identify?
Two issues have been identified which mean that some areas of the buildings’ construction are either less than 34 per cent of the New Building Standard (NBS) or, are potentially less than 34 percent and further investigations are required.
When they will re-open?
There is currently no defined timeframe for this to occur. Engineering assessments are continuing. Once these are completed, scoping of any required work and an estimation of costs will allow further discussion with the Council’s insurers. These will help to inform a decision about the facility.

Read the Linwood Service Centre buildings to close Tuesday 17 April 2012 media release from Christchurch City Council.

Please note

Information contained in media releases is correct at the time, but may change after publication. Please check the Library News page for latest updates about library services or contact us, ph: 9417923.