

Lonely Planet eBooks

Lonely Planet eBooks are available for free from our Overdrive source.

Book cover

The library has resources to help you with your travels.

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Our travel related material includes:

The Source

Mango Languages
Mango is an online language learning system that can help you learn a variety of selected languages. It also contains instructions on how to learn English if you are a native Korean, Japanese or Mandarin speaker.

Online resources

Travel and Tourism
Our Internet Gateway includes sections with links to airlines, embassies, travel guides, advisories and health.
Our Internet Gateway links to online map services for around the world and New Zealand.
Your future - travel
In Pulse, our teens’ section we provide links and real teens’ stories about their big OE.


Henry Sunderland - a personal account of Antarctica
Thirty years ago Henry spent a summer on the ice as a mess cook, occasional cartoonist and part-time cod fisher. Henry tells how the Antarctic changed his life and how he delivered the first gnome to the South Pole in 1977.
Over Here Or Over There? Stay in NZ or go overseas?
We may be a popular destination for international visitors, but at any one time, around one in five New Zealanders can be found living and working overseas.

Travel reading

See our If You Like… guides for great reading from around the world.

Our blog has some interesting posts about travel.