Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan
May 2015 2025 Libraries Facilities Plan [17.99MB PDF]
The Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan was intended to be updated each six years, to align with Council’s long term planning processes. The 2010 and 2011 earthquakes necessitated its early review.
The effects of the earthquakes on individual library buildings vary from some that require cosmetic or structural repairs through to those requiring demolition or prolonged closure to enable major repairs.
Customers have been able to access library services, facilities and collections soon after each major earthquake event, albeit often not at their closest or familiar location. Libraries have moved promptly to re-establish services, recognising early the important role they could play in communities. They are reassuring and trusted social and information centres and act as an electronic gateway for people to connect with relatives and friends.
The strategic context, principles and attributes for provision, basic network map for library provision and criteria for proposed developments defined in the original 2008 Facilities Plan have proved robust and still applicable in this 2014 update.
As expected, the 2008 survey of trends in library and information services required updating – though the essential recognition that libraries continue to be successful and popular for early adopters of new technologies and reading formats holds true.
In 2014, the major changes required to the 2025 Facilities Plan relate to the sequencing and timing of planned developments. With some buildings lost or damaged, there are gaps in the network’s provision. Reconsideration of the timing and/or sequencing of rebuilding and new developments is needed, in order to restore equitable access to library services across the city. The Facilities Rebuild Plan started in mid 2012 and the Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan provides strategic direction for decision making, although financial and insurance considerations may affect decisions regarding cost effectiveness of repair, rebuild or demolition and more specifically the timing of this work.
Changes to the predicted population availability and timing of greenfield developments, along with relocation of red-zoned households are key factors to be considered as part of the re-prioritising to ensure that it is still a good fit with growth. Throughout the revised 2025 Facilities Plan, a number of comments have been added (in shaded areas). The only sections that have been substantially rewritten are:
- Trends in Library and Information Provision
- Population and Demographics
- Table 3: Summary of new development to complete the network of library facilities: major capital developments
- Table 4: Other significant developments and projects.
September 2008 plan![2025 Libraries Facilities Plan cover](/2025/Cover.jpg)
Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan [2.2MB PDF]
The Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan was developed over an 18 month period from February 2007. The planning and development occurred with considerable community, key stake holder and elected member input.
The plan looks to meet Christchurch’s changing geographic and demographic needs during the next 20 years with a review every six years to look at actual growth and revised projections to ensure the location and timing of facilities reflect changes in forecasted growth.
Under the plan it is proposed to build new libraries at Aranui and Belfast, replace the library at Halswell, explore development options for Central Library and generally look to maximise partnerships and co-location opportunities to enhance the service.
Each project in the 2025 Plan will be considered as a separate business case as part of the Long Term Council Community Process (LTCCP) process with Council looking to ensure it continues to provide the community with a world class libraries network.
Libraries are recognised as contributing significantly to the social, cultural and economic well-being of the community, Christchurch having a proud history of investing in this network.
Through the plan Council has made a commitment to ensuring its libraries network remains customer-driven, provides value-for-money and offers a technically advanced service for its ratepayers and residents.
Also included in the plan
- A review of the location of Bishopdale Library within the retail precinct
- At Shirley, Council will look to optimise partnership opportunities to redevelop and upgrade the facility
- An evaluation of the future role of Redwood Library following the opening of a new library at Belfast
- Exploring partnership opportunities to develop Hornby Library in line with the Urban Development Strategy and South West Area Plan
- Continuation of the Mobile Library service to fill network gaps in the areas where a library building is not sustainable, as well as ongoing evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness
- Introduction of a seven-day service and possible inclusion of a café at Fendalton Library
- Review of service provision to all Banks Peninsula libraries that will include scoping future needs and producing an action plan for ongoing enhancement of services to these communities
- Develop a plan for Voluntary Libraries within the 2025 framework that will maximize the community use of these facilities
- Issue 9, November 2008
- Issue 8, August 2008
- Issue 7, May 2008
- Issue 6, March 27 2008
- Issue 5, March 2008
- Issue 4, December 2007
- Issue 3, November 2007
- Issue 2, October 2007
- Issue 1, August 2007
Media Releases
- Council adopts Draft Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan, 27 March 2008
- Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan under development, 30 August 2007
Public Consultation
Public comment was sought on the Draft Plan until Sunday 8 June 2008.