Serials and Preservation Team
This panel was designed, created and constructed by the Serials and Preservation Team, as part of the Tukutuku project in 2009 to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Christchurch City Libraries.
Te Uru Kahikatea: illumination
Natural dowel and painted dowel (blue, green), buckram, textured yarn, scoobies, paua shell, fabric, microfilm, wire, and plastic
- 122 x 60 cm
Library Content is made up of three teams (Selection and Access, Serials and Preservation, Bindery). We have a common thread running across our three Tukutuku panels. The top of our Tukutuku panels represents the Port Hills as this is a common view to all three teams from our windows. The middle of our Tukutuku panels represents the Canterbury Plains with its tussocks and the bottom represents the sea.
Serials and Preservation’s panel is dominated by the river which represents information. Surrounding the river is tussock or shore to acknowledge that information must flow back to the people. The first square to the left is paper serials which changes to electronic format below it. The square to the right represents digital information and the microfilm beneath reflects the preservation of knowledge. The Southern Cross represents navigation as we help customers find information using library policy to guide us.
Panel creation
Photos from