Questions and answers
- Letter sent to School Principals [179KB PDF]
- February 2011 update[229KB PDF]
- Reading Log [505KB PDF]
Update 24 May 2011
Entries for the Reading Crusade 2011 have now closed. We wish all the best of luck to those entered, and look forward to posting the winners’ names here next week.
Congratulations to all children who have read their six books and entered the competition. Thank you for your support!
Christchurch City Libraries in conjunction with the CRFU (Canterbury Rugby Football Union) bring you the Reading Crusade 2011.
The competition is open to all children from age 5 to 13 years who live in the Christchurch city area. Lucky winners will receive an invitation to the prizegiving at on Tuesday 31 May 2011.
Find out our weekly competition winners!
How the Reading Crusade works
Children can:
- Download their Reading Log, or get a paper copy from their teacher or local library.
- Read their choice of six books — fiction or non-fiction titles — and complete their reading log.
- Follow the Crusade and get reading ideas on the Christchurch kids blog.
The reading log is verified by a teacher, parent or librarian online. This puts the child in the draw for prizes and an invitation to the prize giving.
Prizes and the prizegiving ceremony
- All participants will get a certificate with the printed signatures of the 2011 Crusaders squad.
- There will be weekly prize draws including rugby tickets, books and book vouchers.
- At the end of the Crusade, 100 entries will be chosen randomly and invited to the final prizegiving.
- The prizegiving ceremony will take place on Tuesday 31 May 2011 at the Addington Events Centre, with members of the Crusaders in attendance. Children will have the opportunity to ask the Crusaders questions and get their posters signed. They will also receive a goodie bag to take home.
School prizes
There will be two signed rugby jerseys up for grabs in 2011, one for each of the two schools that have the largest percentage participation (as a ratio of total student numbers at those individual schools). This data will be collected from the online registration form. Children will be required to enter the name of their school at this stage.
Want to know more about the Reading Crusade?
We will be visiting schools before and during the Reading Crusade to explain the new process and encourage children to take part.
If you would like a library staff member to come along to your next staff meeting or school assembly please email: Please email this address if you have any questions.
Reading Crusade sponsors

Previous Reading Crusades
View photos of previous Reading Crusades on Flickr