You are here: Home > Heritage > Christchurch Chronology to 1989

- March 3
- First Town Hall design competition. But building costs were too high and the project was abandoned in March 1882.
- March 25
- New Zealand’s first telephones in operation in City.

Members of the Pioneer Cycling Club, the Pioneers, on the West Coast Road - 1885
- Pioneer Bicycle Club formed. It later became the Pioneer Sports Club. A gift of $230,000 from the club assisted the construction of Pioneer Stadium in 1978.
- July 11
- Post Office building in Cathedral Square completed.
- July 26
- Canterbury Rugby Football Association (New Zealand’s first) formed.
- September 3
- Canterbury Industrial Association formed (now the Canterbury Manufacturers Association).
- September
- Permanent sewer construction under way.
- December 26
- Serious Catholic/Protestant riot in Manchester Street.
