Ko te whenua tenei ka oti te tuku e Ngaitahu ki a Wairaweke ki te Whakaminega o Niu Tireni i tukua ki Akaroa e te 12 o Hune, 1848
Title: Ko te whenua tenei ka oti te tuku e Ngaitahu ki a Wairaweke ki te Whakaminega o Niu Tireni i tukua ki Akaroa e te 12 o Hune, 1848 = This is the map of the land sold by the tribe of the Ngaitahu to William Wakefield for the New Zealand Company, done at Akaroa on the 12th. day of June 1848.
Date: 1849
Physical Description: 1 map : colour ; 43 x 31 cm.
File Reference: CCLMaps 440842
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