
On the dividing line between Canterbury and Westland, Arthur's' Pass. The white stone marks the division between two provincial districts.

On the dividing line between Canterbury and Westland, Arthur's' Pass. The white stone marks the division between two provincial districts.

Caption: On the dividing line between Canterbury and Westland, Arthur's' Pass. The white stone marks the division between two provincial districts.
Description: A coach with passengers on the roadside pauses at the top of Arthur's Pass. Cobb and Co. ran a coach service over Arthur's Pass until the Otira Tunnel opened in 1923. It was run by Hugh Cassidy from 1873. As the Midland Line was extended westward the coach journey became progressively shorter. In 1880 it was Springfield (or Kowai Pass as it was also known), but it took until 1914 before the railway was opened to Arthur's Pass and thus the coach journey for the last nine years was only the Arthur's Pass section.

Source: The weekly press, 1 June 1904, p. 48

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