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Photograph collection
 Roper's Store, Normans Road, Bryndwr, Christchurch [1957] |
 Wartime milk delivery, corner Alpha Avenue and Normans Road, Bryndwr, Christchurch [1942] |
 Jacksons' Perry Range Hotel : a major stopover point for coach travellers on the way to the West Coast. [1897] |
 The school at Jacksons, West Coast Road, West Coast [1897] |
 Industrial exhibition, Christchurch [1916] |
 Samoan high chiefs welcomed to Christchurch [1945] |
 King Edward Barracks, corner of Cashel and Montreal Streets, Christchurch [1905] |
 The unveiling of the Bricks memorial, Barbadoes Street, Christchurch [1926] |
 Troops watering horses in the Avon River near Carlton Bridge, Christchurch [23 Sept. 1914] |
 A fleet of whale boats at Te Awhaiti at the entrace to Tory Channel from Cook Strait [1910] |
 An old whaling hut at Kaikoura [1917] |
 An exciting moment as a boat's crew approach a harpooned whale to lance it [1909] |
 James Gammack (1830-1896) [1896] |
 Victoria Street in the early 1870s [187-?] |
 Riccarton landmark goes [1941] |
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