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Photograph collection
 St Peter's Anglican Church, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch [1928] |
 Shops in Normans Road, Elmwood, Christchurch [1965] |
 Four Square Foodmarket, Normans Road, Elmwood, Christchurch [1960] |
 Munitions jobs were often monotonous [between 1940 and 1945] |
 Morning-tea break in a factory canteen [between 1940 and 1945] |
 Cutting in a clothing factory is quite skilled work [between 1940 and 1945] |
 During the war, girls were engaged on a wide range of jobs [between 1940 and 1945] |
 Many girls in mass-production factories work on moving belts [between 1940 and 1945] |
 Captain Lorraine's balloon shown taking off from Lancaster Park, 3 Nov. 1899 [1899] |
 Donkey rides at Sumner [189-?] |
 Cathedral Square, Christchurch [ca. 1900] |
 The Avon, Christchurch [ca. 1900] |
 Members of the B Squadron of the Canterbury Mounted Regiment on their way to Lyttelton [23 Sept. 1914] |
 St John the Baptist Anglican church, Rangiora [Nov. 1864] |
 Sumner [1895] |
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