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Photograph collection
 Map of a scheme suggested by the Port and City Committee showing a new road tunnel to Lyttelton [1926?] |
 Market Place (later Victoria Square), Christchurch, 1862 : a panorama looking towards the north-east. [1862] |
 Market Place (later Victoria Square), Christchurch, 1862 : a panorama looking towards the north-east. [1862] |
 Victoria Square, Christchurch, 1910 : a panorama looking towards the north-east. [1910] |
 Victoria Square, Christchurch, 1910 : a panorama looking towards the north-east. [1910] |
 Christ's College versus Christchurch Boys' High School : shown in the annual School-College rugby match. [17 July 1940] |
 Unemployed men gather outside the Labour Bureau, Christchurch [1914] |
 Striking slaughtermen outside the Supreme Court, Christchurch [1907] |
 Map of land sold by Ngai Tahu to William Wakefield for the New Zealand Company, drawn on 12 June 1848 by Charles Heaphy [1848?] |
 Taylor & Oakley, 234 Tuam Street, Christchurch : an advertisement. [1893] |
 Australasian tennis team in the international competitions [1905] |
 Barbadoes Street bridge, Christchurch [189-] |
 Worcester Street bridge, Christchurch [189-] |
 Messrs Martin and Baite's duck shooting party with their bag consisting of 96 ducks, 40 swamp hens, and 15 swans [1 May 1902] |
 Hawkesbury, St Albans [1905] |
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