Art publications
A collection of visual arts publications mostly digitised in partnership with the Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu.
- Catalogue of Canterbury Art Exhibition, 1870
- The first recorded exhibition of art in Canterbury, held at the Canterbury Museum in 1870.
- Canterbury Society of Arts Catalogues, 1881 - 1914
- The Canterbury Society of Arts was founded in 1880 and held its first annual exhibition in 1881.
- The Group Catalogues, 1927 - 1977
- The Group was an informal art association formed in Christchurch in 1927.
- The Group 1927-1977: an annotated bibliography
- This bibliography is designed for researchers interested in 20th century New Zealand, and specifically Canterbury, art history.
- Library Treasures
- New Zealand Art Works from the Canterbury Public Library C.S.A. Gallery, 9th February - 5th March 1989.
Nineteenth century New Zealand artists: a guide and handbook by Una Platts
- Regarded as the finest single source of information on early New Zealand artists.
- Oh, to be in England by Lucy Alcock.
- Leaflet accompanying an exhibition at the National Gallery, Wellington in 1988 of works relating to the New Zealand International Exhibition, Christchurch, 1906-1907.
- The Studio New Zealand edition April 1948
- The long-running British art magazine The Studio devoted its April 1948 issue entirely to New Zealand art. Articles cover contemporary New Zealand art, New Zealand war art, Māori art, New Zealand architecture and New Zealand book production, with many illustrations.
Robert McDougall Art Gallery Publications
- Bulletin
- Launched in 1979 by the Robert McDougall Art Gallery. It continues as a high quality monthly publication of the Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu.
- Illustrated catalogue of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery 1931
- This catalogue was published in 1931 to coincide with the opening of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery in June 1932.
- The Robert McDougall Art Gallery : a profile of the Art Gallery of the City of Christchurch, 1932-1982
- Written in 1982 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery. It contains a good history of the Gallery and describes various plans to extend the Gallery building.
- Survey
- Launched in 1971 by the Robert McDougall Art Gallery. The final issue, no 17, was published in May 1978.