
Books for Babies: 1994

1990199119921993 – 1994 – 199519961997199819992000

Jared and Conor

Jared (right) and Conor


Jared became a library member at the age of one. Receiving the Books for Babies pack helped him get used to books and libraries from an early age. Jared's father, Andrew, believes that this has been an important factor in encouraging an ongoing love of reading, for developing both knowledge and imagination, and for giving a head start at school. The choice of a wordless board book was particularly helpful for this early age. The presentation of the pack showed the library was taking an active interest in encouraging early use. ‘Continuous exposure to books expands brain functions before formal learning begins,' Andrew says.

Lesley and Luke

Lesley and Luke


Lesley recalls that the book in the Books for Babies pack was the first one Luke ever received and it was one he really enjoyed. Other family members were already great library users and the pack simply reinforced its value. ‘In fact, as the children have got older, the library is being used more and more,' says Lesley.