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Photograph collection
 Brian McKeown, John Judge and Terry McKeown are shown fishing on the Avon River [ca. 1938] |
 Home from its travels, the Nautilus of New Brighton, back in the New Brighton Motor-boat club's anchorage on the Avon after 2 1/2years' service with the hospital ship, Marama. [1918] |
 The original Holy Trinity Church, Avonside [ca. 1857] |
 Lyttelton Harbour, looking south-east [ca. 1880] |
 Coaches shown passing under a swing bridge, crossing possibly the Otira River between Otira and Aickens. [ca. 1890] |
 The second Waiau bridge, North Canterbury [ca. 1890] |
 Castle Hill Hotel, West Coast Road [ca. 1890] |
 Terminus Hotel, also known as the Otira Hotel, Otira [ca. 1900] |
 McLeans Mansion, 387 Manchester Street, Christchurch [ca. 1900] |
 Sumner beach, showing the pier and Cave Rock. [ca. 1900] |
 Cave Rock, Sumner beach. [ca. 1900] |
 Sumner beach, near Cave Rock. [ca. 1910] |
 Lyttelton Harbour [ca. 1890] |
 Unveiling the memorial statue of Queen Victoria in Victoria Square on Empire Day [25 May 1903] |
 The railway station at Moana at the northern end of Lake Brunner [ca. 1900] |
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