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Photograph collection
 High Street, Christchurch : on the righthand side are McKenzies, Ashby Bergh, Manning & Co., Begg's, Marsh's Silks and the White Hart Hotel. [between 1945 and 1950] |
 Uncle Tom's Cabin & Tearooms, North New Brighton, Christchurch : pictured on the step are two of the five proprietor/postmaster's family who ran the store. [1911?] |
 Uncle Tom's Cabin & Tearooms, North New Brighton, Christchurch : pictured are the proprietor and his wife and daughters who all worked in the store. [Dec. 1911] |
 Richard Bedward Owen, pictured second from left on R.T. Stewart's river sweeper [1926?] |
 Millbrook Reserve in the late 1920s [192-] |
 Schoolgirls in the Millbrook Reserve in the late 1920s [192-] |
 A gardener working in the Millbrook Reserve in the late 1920s [192-] |
 Improvements in the Millbrook Reserve as the result of the work of Richard Bedward Owen (1873-1948) [192-] |
 Sumner beach [193-] |
 Isabella Hucks, daughter Isabelle and grandson Neville Davison [192-?] |
 Ozone Café, here called the Ozone Palace [192-?] |
 Isabella Hucks and unidentified men [ca. 1920] |
 The first Ozone Café after it had been gutted by fire in 1922 [1922] |
 Mrs Hucks' Theatre Royal Café [1952] |
 The intersection of Ilam and Clyde Roads, Christchurch [Nov. 1951] |
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