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Photograph collection
 Interior view, shoppers in T. Armstrong & Co. store [ca. 1930] |
 Lingerie sale, T. Armstrong & Co. store [1936] |
 T. Armstrong & Co. staff dinner [1929 or 1930] |
 A New Brighton coach [ca. 1880] |
 The Nurses' Home, Christchurch Public Hospital, Riccarton Avenue, Christchurch [between 1931 and 1941] |
 The rose garden in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, early 1950s [195-] |
 The Square, Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand [ca. 1930] |
 Scott memorial, corner of Worcester Street and Oxford Terrace, Christchurch : the Clarendon Hotel can be seen on the left next to the Public Trust Office [194-?] |
 Corner of High and Cashel Streets, looking north-west [194-?] |
 Woodland bridge in Christchurch Botanic Gardens : on the right is the Bandsmens Memorial rotunda. [196-?] |
 The Bridge of Remembrance, Christchurch [195-?] |
 Edmonds Band Rotunda, Christchurch [195-?] |
 Rolleston Avenue : with Canterbury University College on the right. [195-?] |
 Robert McDougall Art Gallery [193-?] |
 The Triangle corner, Christchurch [195-] |
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