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Photograph collection
 Waltham Orphanage, Austin Street, Waltham [ca. 1930] |
 Smart's Pond, later Bradford Park, Sydenham [1890] |
 How to locate a train [1930] |
 James Arthur Flesher (1865-1930) [ca. 1920] |
 Respect for a well-known citizen [20 Aug. 1930] |
 Keep your money in New Zealand by insisting on New Zealand goods [1930] |
 The operating room, Strathmore Hospital, Ferry Road, Christchurch [1895] |
 Dr John Seager Gundry (1807-1886), ship's surgeon and Canterbury colonist [185-] |
 Looking across Geraldine from Priest's Hill towards Albert Street in the town centre, South Canterbury [ca. 1884] |
 Buggy on Hokitika road [ca. 1888] |
 St Paul's Presbyterian (Trinity Pacific) Church [ca. 1882] |
 Great North Road (later Stafford Street) Timaru : BNZ building on right, in centre Club Hotel. [ca. 1882] |
 View from Evans Street looking across Caroline Bay, Timaru : lighthouse on the left. [ca. 1883] |
 View from Maori Hill across to Dashing Rocks (the area of the Freezing Works), Timaru : to the right is a sawmill. [ca. 1882] |
 The Canterbury Club on the corner of Worcester Street and Cambridge Terrace : in background is Canterbury Museum [ca. 1882] |
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