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Events in January
- January 1-3, 1912
- Davis Cup final (Australasia v USA) held at Lancaster Park.
- January 1, 1862
- New Zealands first rowing regatta held on Lyttelton Harbour.
- January 1, 1867
- Roller skating rink opens. Proprietor Richard Kohler had previously operated Kohlers Pleasure Grounds.
- January 1, 1908
- Shackleton expedition sails for Antarctica in "Nimrod". A crowd estimated as high as 50,000 watched the departure - probably the largest in Lytteltons history.
- January 1, 1913
- Riccarton Borough formed.
- January 1, 1932
- Radio Broadcasting Company of N.Z. (owner of the YA stations) taken over by Government to form the nucleus of a State broadcasting system.
- January 2, 1896
- Australasian Amateur Athletic and Cycling Championships held at Lancaster Park.
- January 3, 1883
- Graving dock in Lyttelton Harbour officially opens.
- January 4, 1876
- First meeting of the Christchurch Drainage Board.
- January 5, 1940
- First echelon of Canterbury troops for World War II leave Lyttelton on "Dunera" and "Sobieski".
- January 6, 1851
- The first school (which became Christs College) opens in Lyttelton.
- January 7, 1844
- First European child (Jeannie Manson) born at Riccarton.
- January 8, 1877
- First trial of harvesting machines at Riccarton.
- January 8, 1979
- First women bus drivers on Transport Board buses.
- January 9, 1871
- "Park Terrace" murder. Manservant Simon Cadeno was later hanged for murdering a woman servant and injuring another.
- January 10, 1830
- Antarctic (Captain Morrell) anchors in Lyttelton Harbour, which he names Cooks Harbour.
- January 10, 1867
- European birds introduced on Matoaka to Lyttelton. Species include pheasants, partridges, blackbirds, thrushes, linnets, skylarks, chaffinches, and starlings. The destruction of native insect eating birds by hunting and fire had caused disastrous crop infestations in Canterbury.
- January 10, 1887
- Tramway to New Brighton completed.
- January 11, 1851
- First copy of the Lyttelton Times, edited by J.E. FitzGerald.
- January 11, 1984
- A live 30cm snake is found in a driveway in Parklands. A second snake is found the following day.
- January 12, 1985
- The first South Island "In Vitro" baby is born at Christchurch Womens Hospital.
- January 13-15, 1978
- Visit by Crown Prince Reza of Iran.
- January 13, 1891
- First public display in New Zealand of Edisons phonograph.
- January 14, 1897
- New Brighton declared a Borough.
- January 14, 1898
- "Great Peninsula Fire" destroys much of the bush on Banks Peninsula.
- January 16, 1871
- Meat preserving works opens.
- January 16, 1936
- Inauguration of inter-island air service by Union Airways.
- January 17, 1877
- Council swimming pool in the Avon River opens. Not one of the Councils better projects - the pool was only a few hundred metres downstream from the hospitals effluent outfall.
- January 17, 1966
- City Council grants charter to 2nd Battalion, RNZIR.
- January 18, 1851
- First bank, the Union Bank of Australia, opens at Lyttelton.
- January 18, 1877
- First meeting of the Lyttelton Harbour Board.
- January 18, 1894
- New Brighton pier opens.
- January 18, 1974
- Ramada Inn (now Vacation Hotel) opens.
- January 19-21, 1935
- Visit by the Duke of Gloucester.
- January 19-22, 1954
- Visit by the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh (the first New Zealand visit by a reigning monarch).
- January 19, 1935
- River carnival on the Avon near Park Terrace.
- January 19, 1983
- Tornado and hailstorm strike western City. Damage severe at Halswell.
- January 20, 1882
- First drainage pumping station in operation. This was the beginning of New Zealands first sewage farm.
- January 21, 1906
- Hailstorm causes widespread damage.
- January 21, 1951
- New Zealands worst yachting disaster. 10 people lost when 2 yachts "Husky" and "Argo" sink in a storm during the Wellington to Christchurch centennial race. Only one of the 22 starters finished the course.
- January 22, 1903
- Christchurch Tramway Board (now the Christchurch Transport Board) holds its first meeting.
- January 22, 1929
- Death of Professor Bickerton in England. Since his sacking by the university - see 1902 - he had operated the extraordinary Pleasure Gardens at Wainoni, made fireworks, promoted patent medicines and then travelled to England to promote his "partial impact" astronomical theory.
- January 24, 1865
- Steam fire engine arrives, (the first in New Zealand) and is named Extinguisher.
- January 24, 1941
- Civic reception for playwright/composer Noel Coward.
- January 24, 1974
- 10th Commonwealth Games open at Queen Elizabeth II Park, one of the greatest sporting events in New Zealands history. Visitors include the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and Princess Anne. Highlight of the opening ceremony was the New Zealand Army Bands spectacular novelty marching routine. Seen on international live TV, the idea was soon copied by bandsmen throughout the Commonwealth.
- January 25, 1892
- African explorer H.M. Stanley visits.
- January 25, 1974
- Cantabrian Richard Tayler wins 10,000 metres in games record time. This was the first live colour TV coverage of a major race. Tayler was honoured as 1974 "Sportsman of the Year', but his sports career was cut tragically short by the onset of crippling arthritis.
- January 26, 1883
- New Zealand Shipping Company begins direct steam service to the United Kingdom.
- January 26, 1974
- Christchurch students Mark Treffers and Janie Parkhouse win gold medals in Commonwealth Games swimming events.
- January 27, 1860
- Writer Samuel Butler arrives at Lyttelton on Roman Emperor. He is best remembered for the novel Erewhon, published after his return to England several years later.
- January 27, 1873
- Christchurch Domains Board constituted.
- January 28, 1851
- Fire destroys a large part of Riccarton (Deans) Bush.
- January 29, 1875
- Kaiapoi Woollen Mills founded.
- January 31, 1921
- New Zealands first regular airmail service begins between Christchurch, Ashburton and Timaru.
- January/February, 1989
- Various fires over Port Hills destroy vegetation and threaten property.
- January, 1841
- First plains settlers (Herriot and party) abandon attempts to farm near the site of Hagley Park.
- January, 1852
- First bees introduced into Canterbury (from Nelson).
- January, 1873
- New Zealand Shipping Company registered in Christchurch.
- January, 1891
- 10 metre Maori canoe dug out of Avon.
- January, 1912
- Independent tribunal reports against the Estuary canal and harbour scheme. This report virtually ended many years of heated discussion and lobbying over this issue, although the idea was not finally laid to rest until the decision was made to build the road tunnel.
- January, 1924
- Southerly gale causes widespread damage.
- January, 1946
- Shops and Offices Amendment Act ends Saturday shopping, but New Brighton gains an exemption to allow Saturday trading to continue.
- January, 1961
- Contract let for building Christchurch - Lyttelton road tunnel.
- January, 1974
- Cathedral Square reconstruction as a pedestrian precinct completed. Curiously, this highly praised civic amenity has never been officially opened.
- January, 1975
- First New Zealand Games held at Q.E.II Park. The Oath of Amateurism was read by Christchurch athlete Val Young, who has won 28 national titles - more than anyone else, male or female.
- January, 1988
- Construction begins on Christchurchs tallest building to date, the 76.3m Price Waterhouse building.
- January, 1989
- World Deaf Games held in Christchurch.